Karing for Keegan

9 Jun

A little back story: I met Beth on the bump while pregnant. McKenna and her son Keegan are just days apart so I’ve enjoyed keeping up with her through facebook. Baby Keegan has had some medical issues and through it all Beth has shown so much strength. Keegan has recently started Chemotherapy which should last for 6 months. Please read her story, in a post by Joanna at Raising Madison. She’s put so much time and work into finding businesses and people to donate to the Chupp family since Beth was recently laid off.
There is a HUGE giveaway going on, so be sure to enter and if you can donate!

Here is a link to the post: http://raisingmadison.com/2010/06/08/karing-for-keegan/

I’m donating 10% of my Etsy sales from now until June 29th to the Karing for Keegan fund … which means I better sell some stuff! =)

2 Responses to “Karing for Keegan”

  1. Beth June 13, 2010 at 8:30 pm #

    I had no idea you were doing this! Thank so much! It means alot to us!

    • sweetpeaandmama June 14, 2010 at 4:35 am #

      =) Now I just have to sell more so I have more to donate! Hopefully it will help a little. Thank you for the sweet card in the mail too!

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